
Here you can find reports and presentations jointly published by ‘Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance’

Press Kit - 한국+스웨덴 녹색전환연합 기자 간담회 2024

In its fourth year, the Green Transition Alliance continues its effort achieving the commitment. Member companies diligently upheld their initial pledges, providing updates on the progress and contributions towards achieving our shared environmental objectives. 한국+스웨덴 녹색전환연합이 론칭한 지 4년째 되는 해를 맞아, 원사들은 초기 발표한 약속을 지켜온 진행 상황과 환경 목표 달성을 위한 기여 등에 대해 업데이트를 제공합니다.


Press Release (Korean) - Sweden+Korea Sustainable Future Forum

Seoul, 27 November 2023 - Team Sweden, together with Tetra Pak Korea, held to the first Sweden+Korea Sustainable Future Forum in the theme of driving the transformation and decarbonisation of global food systems.


Press Release (Korean) - Best Practice in Circular Cities with GGGI

Seoul, 2 June 2023 - Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance and Global Green Growth Institute organized the first in a series of knowledge-sharing seminars. This session was specifically centered around "Circular Economy in Cities," wherein shared exemplary models and valuable insights from Sweden, Korea, and GGGI while exploring opportunities for collaboration.


Result Report - Korean Journalist Delegation to Sweden

Sweden, 13-15 March 2023 - Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance had the pleasure of inviting the South Korean journalist delegation to Sweden to demonstrate and exchange successful cases of the circular city, green energy, and smart mobility.


한국+스웨덴 녹색전환연합 마켓 액세스 레포트

한국+스웨덴 녹색전환연합은 각 회원사의 우수한 사례를 통해 환경 지속 가능성에 대한 투자가 미래의 삶의 질을 향상시키는 데만 국한되지 않고, 한국 산업의 국제적 경쟁력 향상에 필수적임을 강조하는 보고서를 작성했습니다. 이 보고서는 녹색 전환의 모범 사례를 소개하며, 한국의 이해관계자 및 파트너들과 협력할 수 있는 방안을 제시합니다.


Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance Market Access Report

With Sweden’s best practice, the Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance explores ways to set tangible actions with Korean stakeholders and partners. This report aims to share case examples of the companies within the Alliance that illustrate how investments in environmental sustainability will not only improve future living standards but are necessary to improve the international competitiveness of the Korean industry.


Result Report - H2 Mobility+Energy Show 2021

Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance companies participated at H2 Mobility+Energy Show 2021 exhibition their capability.


한국+스웨덴 녹색전환연합 2021 출범 보도자료

2021년 5월 21일 발표된 "스웨덴 정부와 기업으로 구성된 민관협의체 ‘한국+스웨덴 녹색전환연합’, 한국의 녹색성장을 위한 기후행동 강화 장려"라는 제목의 보도자료입니다


Press Release - Launch of Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance 2021

Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance is a pioneering initiative launched on Earth Day 2021, bringing together Swedish companies in Korea, the Embassy of Sweden in Korea, Business Sweden, and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Korea. The alliance aims to foster collaboration between Sweden's support for South Korea's green and carbon neutrality goals and the partnership of domestic industry players.


한국+스웨덴 녹색전환연합 소개 2021

한국+스웨덴 녹색전환연합의 출범에 대한 배경과 연합의 공통적인 사명 그리고 각 기업들의 서약 및 소개 입니다.
