Korean delegation's visit to Sweden
Sweden, 13-15 March 2023 - Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance had the pleasure of inviting the South Korean journalist delegation to Sweden to demonstrate and exchange successful cases of the circular city, green energy, and smart mobility.
Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance* (“the Alliance”) launched its Market Access Report in October 2022 containing how each Alliance member can contribute to South Korea's green transition. For the launch of the report and to demonstrate the successful cases of the circular city, green energy, and smart mobility presented in the Market Access Report, the Alliance invited Korean journalists to Sweden for a visiting program on 13-15 March 2023.
The report describes how Sweden has succeeded triple helix collaboration that has resulted in 50% GDP growth and a reduction in carbon emissions by 26% between 1990 and 2017. The industry, government, and research institutes need to get together to create a sustainable environment and the Swedish cases have proved that green transition strengthens global competitiveness.
Key takeaways from this delegation program:
- Exchange knowledge and experiences in the fields of the circular city, including green energy applications and smart mobility
- Learn and raise awareness of Swedish successful solutions and how they can be applied to South Korea’s carbon neutrality achievements
- Further strengthen the bilateral exchange between South Korea and Sweden
Links to the news articles (Korean):
- Reporter's view: A country that makes money from garbage
- "Trucks, heavy equipment = anti-environment" is an old saying... Swedish company speeds up electrification
- Go to Green transition developed country, Sweden (1) 26% of green jobs created by the public, government, and academia together
- (1) Sweden's 'company' says "hiring, attracting investment, selling" is also difficult without climate response
- Volvo "With Half of trucks electric in seven years... Presenting possibilities to other countries" - Carbon neutrality as seen by companies
- Sweden 'green jobs' at 26%, the highest among OECD countries... Public-private cooperation also resolves the imbalance between men and women - Carbon neutrality as seen by companies
- Reducing carbon footprint and establishing a 'path to corporate survival’
- Will the floating village emerge as a solution of adapting to 'sea level rise'
- Mandatory greening in all buildings…"For Nature to Work" Against Drought and Flood
- (2) Can the floating cities be a solution for 'Climate Adaptation'?
- (2) "Royal Seaport," a smart city where the nature works